C-rona chronicles: day 31

10:05 – Taught myself how to Tango. That went well until slammed my head on the wall. There goes my security deposit.

11:04 – Finished the script for my next movie. It stars Oscar Isaac as an advertising creative forced to work from home due to a quarantine. We follow his creative journey from leading an award-winning campaign to writing a blog just to keep himself sane. Definitely Oscar bait. #BadPun

2:30 – Oh Shit.

4:00 – Oh Shit. Oh Shit. Oh Shit!

4:30 – HOLY SHIT!

5:00 – So heavy shit just happened...

5:30 – What a shitty day...

5:31 — What a nice beer!


C-rona chronicles: day 32


C-rona chronicles: day 30