C-rona chronicles: day 36
8:01 – My recently discovered silver fox vibe has granted me access to the senior hours at the grocery store. I shall not waste this opportunity, so I'm definitely calling the manager and making a scene if they don't accept my expired coupons.
9:01 – Just survived the bloodiest battle royale for the last loaf of bread at the store. I had PTSD flashbacks from when I tried to buy a TV at Walmart on a Black Friday in Texas.
1:30 – You know what I love about sweet potatoes? The fact that they make me think I'm eating healthy despite the yams being slathered in a pound of butter and maple syrup.
3:30 – These past few meetings have felt like I'm Indiana Jones escaping from the giant rock boulder and running to reach an exit that's almost closed down. I even started playing the theme song when I'm dialing in 2 seconds late to add some drama to the situation.
4:30 – On the bright side, I finally found a bag of Doritos Nacho Cheese. On the bad side, I ate it all as soon as I opened it.
7:30 – I honestly think the backbone of America are the food leftovers one can reheat whenever they don't want to cook.
Example a)
My dinner tonight.
7:32 I also think the other backbone of America are frozen pizzas, White Castle burgers and Pop Tarts.
Example b)
My second dinner tonight.