C-rona chronicles: day 13
11:00 – I had this Saturday resolution that I'd go out for a walk, move a little bit and maybe run from people if they get to close to me. As soon as I opened my windows I realized laying down on my couch was a much better option.
11:30 – In the era of social distancing, is anybody going to judge me for not doing the laundry? I mean, no one is gonna see this pasta sauce stain for the foreseeable future.
1:48 – I've invented a new board game for 1-3 players. It's a card-based game where the objective is shuffling the cards as much as you can before you get bored and go back to watching TV.
2:50 – Finally succumbed to the social pressure of watching this Tiger King show on Netflix. It's the most 'Murica show I've seen so far. And yeah, I'm even counting Duck Dynasty.
4:50 – It's official, the Tiger King has made me cry. It's such a beautiful story I couldn't help it.
4:51 – It turns out I've been watching Jerry Maguire all along. I knew something was amiss when Tom Cruise looked into my eyes and said "You complete me."
5:01 – Still not fully recovered from that connection I had with Tom Cruise. Maybe I should becom a Scientologist...
7:30 – I didn't want to believe everyone else but I can't deny it any longer... Dark Phoenix is a bad movie. I'm so sad I've wasted my life watching this and not being outside, hanging out with real people.
7:35 – On second thought, Dark Phoenix wasn't so bad. Maybe I should give it another chance. I'll go get some pasta leftovers and spend my night with the X-Men.