C-rona chronicles: day 18
10:20 – I finally decided to stop looking like bum and do something about my CoronaBeard. But there I was, beard trimmer in hand, looking at the horrible reflection in the mirror, only to realize my CoronaBeard had a white hair.
11:20 – Not gonna lie, I've been staring at this white hair for hours. This is it, amigos and strangers... 28 days away from being 36, I've finally started my path into becoming a silver fox.
1:35 – With my new silver fox confidence in full effect, I took my middle-aged butt outside for a leisurely walk.
1:40 – Nobody noticed my newly-discovered white hair. I guess my lack of pants and possible lack of underwear was way too distracting.
3:30 – In lieu of my recently attained "Vintage" status, I decided to dust off my old records and bring the house down playing oldies but goodies. #BringingBackThe90s
3:34 – (In an old voice) Back in my day, music was good. It was not mass-produced and it definitely did not prompted people to twerk like a hoe. I miss the good old days.
3:47 – NO! I'm a hip millennial that can listen to anything he wants. Yo, Reggaeton, Bad Bunny, I need you!
3:55 – Bad Bunny is the new Pitbull. Change my mind.
6:30 – My silver fox crisis led me to do something reckless. I might, might not have a belly button piercing now.