C-rona chronicles: day 22

10:00 – I should really start marking what day I'm living in. I woke up thinking today was a Monday and quickly rushed to sit on the couch to start working.

10:01 – Turns out it was actually Monday and was already late to my first meeting. #FML

11:00 – This quarantine has showed me that everyone on my street is in sync. Whenever there's a beautiful day outside, we all look out the window at the same time, sporting the same face of utter disappointment. #SoBeautiful

1:30 – Ok, it has happened. I finally joined the bandwagon of making my own fanfic. Still deciding between doing something for Star Wars or Game of Thrones but with a Fifty Shades of Grey-like spin.

2:03 – Finished the first chapter. I honestly don't know if this is Nobel literature at its best or I'm far more damaged than I originally thought. Either way, I need my publishing deal soon.

3:30 – In case you were wondering, yes, I did have Lazy Pasta again. No need to change my menu if my customers haven't complained about it

4:30 – One of these days I'll have to remove the cobwebs off my beard trimmer and shape this formless beard. I'm 99.9% sure that day won't happen this month... or the next.

5:30 – I know there's no one here to judge me but I'm seriously thinking that wearing the same sweatpants for 35 days straight is not appropriate in any way. Someone, please advise.

6:30 – My neighbor just said the single greatest tagline I've ever heard: "Fighting Corona with Corona" I don't know if he's an ad genius, drunk or if the lack of human contact has affected my ad judgement beyond repair.

6:31 – And now, I'm going to read you a brief excerpt of my Fifty Shades of Thrones fanfic.

"Jon took his aunt lover to the "Throne Room" and stabby stabbed her with his big, sharp, pointy dirk. She didn't enjoy the moment but was so deeply in love with him that she just laid down dead until he finished..."

6:32 – Y'all know that's better writing than what we actually saw on the final season. Change my mind.


C-rona chronicles: day 23


C-rona chronicles: day 21